Stripe Subscriptions: Powerful & Flexible
Relivator offers unlimited possibilities with all tools ready for you.
Next.js 15: Enhanced Experience
Seamless navigation with App Router, Layouts, and Loading UI. Explore powerful API routes and more.
Database Integration: Robust & Versatile
Maintain performance with Drizzle ORM, switching MySQL and Postgres on the fly. Deploy with Planetscale, Vercel, Railway, Neon, and more.
React 19: Modern Development
Manipulate the app with Server and Client Components. Use the latest version of React Hooks and additional features for a smooth development experience.
User Authentication: Secure & Flexible
Deploy with a versatile authentication system using NextAuth.js and Clerk. See .env.example for details.
Database Integration: Robust & Versatile
Maintain performance with Drizzle ORM, switching MySQL and Postgres on the fly. Deploy with Planetscale, Vercel, Railway, Neon, and more.
Components: Elegant & Functional
Create stunning UIs with Flowbite and Shadcn UI components, styled with Radix and Tailwind CSS. VSCode recommended.
Stripe Subscriptions: Powerful & Flexible
Robust subscription system with free and paid plans. Check for more.